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[ Docker ] Krypton Wargame 만들기 - 6번 문제 ( 8 / 8 ) 1. Krypton6 목표Hopefully by now its obvious that encryption using repeating keys is a bad idea.Frequency analysis can destroy repeating/fixed key substitution crypto.A feature of good crypto is random ciphertext.A good cipher must not reveal any clues about the plaintext.Since natural language plaintext (in this case, English) contains patterns,it is left up to the encryption key or the encryptio..
[ Docker ] Krypton Wargame 만들기 - 5번 문제 ( 7 / 8 ) 1. Krypton5 목표FA can break a known key length as well. Lets try one last polyalphabetic cipher, but this time the key length is unknown. Note: the text is writen in American EnglishEnjoy. 2. Krypton5 구현# 비밀번호 root 입력 접속ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no root@localhost -p 2231mkdir -p /krypton/krypton5cat /krypton/krypton5/found1U1hVTFcgR05YSU8gV1JaSkcgT0ZMQ00gUkhFRlogQUxHU1AgRFhCTE0gUFdJUVQgWEpHTEE..
[ Docker ] Krypton Wargame 만들기 - 4번 문제 ( 6 / 8 ) 1. Krypton4 목표Good job!You more than likely used some form of FA and some common sense to solve that one.So far we have worked with simple substitution ciphers. They have also been ‘monoalphabetic’, meaning using a fixed key, and giving a one to one mapping of plaintext (P) to ciphertext (C). Another type of substitution cipher is referred to as ‘polyalphabetic’, where one character of P may map..
[ Docker ] Krypton Wargame 만들기 - 3번 문제 ( 5 / 8 ) 1. Krypton3 목표Well done. You’ve moved past an easy substitution cipher.The main weakness of a simple substitution cipher is repeated use of a simple key. In the previous exercise you were able to introduce arbitrary plaintext to expose the key.In this example, the cipher mechanism is not available to you, the attacker.However, you have been lucky.You have intercepted more than one message.The pa..
[ Docker ] Krypton Wargame 만들기 - 2번 문제 ( 4 / 8 ) 1. Krypton2 목표ROT13 is a simple substitution cipher.Substitution ciphers are a simple replacement algorithm.In this example of a substitution cipher, we will explore a ‘monoalphebetic’ cipher. Monoalphebetic means, literally, “one alphabet” and you will see why.This level contains an old form of cipher called a ‘Caesar Cipher’.A Caesar cipher shifts the alphabet by a set number. For example:plai..
[ Docker ] Krypton Wargame 만들기 - 1번 문제 ( 3 / 8 ) 1. Krypton1 목표The password for level 2 is in the file ‘krypton2’.It is ‘encrypted’ using a simple rotation.It is also in non-standard ciphertext format.When using alpha characters for cipher text it is normal to group the letters into 5 letter clusters, regardless of word boundaries. This helps obfuscate any patterns. This file has kept the plain text word boundaries and carried them to the ciph..
[ Docker ] Krypton Wargame 만들기 - 0번 문제 ( 2 / 8 ) 1. Krypton0 목표Welcome to Krypton! The first level is easy. The following string encodes the password using Base64:S1JZUFRPTklTR1JFQVQ=Use this password to log in to krypton.labs.overthewire.org with username krypton1 using SSH on port 2231.You can find the files for other levels in /krypton/ 2. Krypton0 구현# 비밀번호 root 입력 접속ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no root@localhost -p 2231useradd krypton1echo ..
[ Docker ] Krypton Wargame 만들기 ( 1 / 8 ) 워게임 중 하나인 Krypton 문제를 직접 생성하는 방법을 기술한다Krypton은 사용자가 ssh를 통하여 서버에 접속하여 문제의 힌트를 통해 다음 문제에 대한 정답을 찾아내어다음 문제로 접속하는 방식의 게임이다.사용자는 krypton1 유저로 주어진 패스워드를 통해 접속하여 krypton1 부터 순차적으로 krypton2, krypton3 등의 유저의 패스워드를 구하여 다음 레벨로 진입한다. 1. Krypton 이미지 및 실행 파일 설치:: centos 이미지 확인:: [ https://hub.docker.com/ ] 에서 태그(버전) 확인docker search centos:: centos8 이미지 다운로드docker pull centos:8:: centos8 이미지 다운로드 확인docker ima..